Needle Grabbers - 5 sizes

Needle Grabbers - 5 sizes


These really help with hand fatigue. Wearing finger protectors will help you not grip needles so tightly. I have large hands and wear an xl on my thumb, medium on my pointer finger, and small on my ring finger because I tend to rest the needle on this finger, and if I do more than an hour of hand sewing, the side of my finger gets sore. These also work if you have long fingernails. Sold individually

Measurements of sizes are listed tip, height, bottom measurements in mm

Clear - xl - 17mm x 30mm x 23mm

Aqua - lg - 16mm x 29mm x 21mm

Yellow - med - 15mm x 28mm x 20mm

Pink - sm - 14mm x 25mm x 18mm

Dark Blue - xtra sm - 12mm x 23mm x 17mm

Looking for an excellent thimble? Green Soft Comfort Thimble is available in my shop.

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